The team at Monkey’s Audio have developed a program to compress the size of a file without compromising playback quality. This is a great solution for those who want free service and don’t mind exposure to the cloud. A few hours later, the app’s developers delete your file from their servers. One click makes it easy to download the new, smaller file. You can also choose what file type you want the compressed version to arrive in. You upload the file you want to compress and can make changes to its quality to reduce file size, including advanced settings like sample rate and mono or stereo output. Online Audio Converter is a website that is free to use for audio file compression. Whether you want to achieve basic file compression or also do some editing, one of the free or premium software solutions on this list should help you out. We’ve compiled the following list of audio compression tools to help you find an option that best fits your needs. One of the most common questions we receive is how to make the file sizes smaller so they’ll upload faster. Depending on the length and quality of the recording, large audio files can take a while to upload. Rev receives thousands of minutes of audio files every day from customers placing online transcription orders.